Hallucination Creates Security Holes Researcher exposes risks in AI-generated code

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Hallucination Creates Security Holes: Researcher exposes risks in AI-generated code

Language models can generate code that erroneously points to software packages, creating vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.

What’s new: A cybersecurity researcher noticed that large language models, when used to generate code, repeatedly produced a command to install a package that was not available on the specified path, The Register reported. He created a dummy package of the same name and uploaded it to that path, and developers duly installed it.

How it works: Bar Lanyado, a researcher at Lasso Security, found that the erroneous command pip install huggingface-cli appeared repeatedly in generated code. The package huggingface-cli does exist, but it is installed using the command pip install -U “huggingface_hub[cli]". The erroneous command attempts to download a package from a different repository. Lanyado published some of his findings in a blog post

  • Lanyado uploaded a harmless package with that name. Between December 2023 and March 2024, the dummy package was downloaded more than 15,000 times. It is not clear whether the downloads resulted from generated code, mistaken advice on bulletin boards, or user error. 
  • Several repositories on Github used or recommended the dummy package, including GraphTranslator, which has been updated to remove the reference. Hugging Face itself called the package in one of its own projects; the company removed the call after Lanyado notified it.
  • In research published last year, Lanyado described ChatGPT’s tendency to recommend a nonexistent Node.js package called arangodb. (ArangoDB is a real database query system, but its official Node.js package is arangojs.) Lanyado demonstrated that it was possible to create a new package with the erroneous name and install it using ChatGPT’s instructions.

Testing: Lanyado tested Cohere AI’s Coral, Google’s Gemini Pro, and OpenAI’s GPT-4 and GPT-3.5. His aim was to determine how often they hallucinated packages and how often they referred repeatedly to the same hallucinated package. First he collected roughly 47,000 “how to” questions related to over 100 subjects in Go, .NET, Node.js, Python, and Ruby. Then he identified questions that produced hallucinated packages from a zero-shot prompt. He selected 20 of these questions at random and prompted each model 100 times to see whether it would refer to the same package every time.

  • Of the models tested, Gemini Pro hallucinated packages most often, while Coral hallucinated packages most repeatedly. Here's (a) how often each model hallucinated packages and (b) how often it hallucinated the same package repeatedly. Coral: (a) 29.1 percent, (b) 24.2 percent. Gemini Pro: (a) 64.5 percent, (b) 14 percent. GPT-4: (a) 24.2 percent, (b) 19.6 percent. GPT-3.5 (a) 22.2 percent, (b) 13.6 percent.
  • The percentage of references to hallucinated packages also varied depending on the programming language. Using GPT-4, for example, 30.9 percent of Go queries referred to a hallucinated package compared to 28.7 percent of .NET queries, 19.3 percent of Node.js queries, 25 percent of Python queries, and 23.5 percent of Ruby queries.
  • Generally, Python and Node.js are more vulnerable to this type of attack than Go and .NET, which block access to certain paths and filenames. Of the Go and .NET prompts that returned a hallucinated package name, 2.9 percent and 21.2 percent were exploitable, respectively.

Why it matters: Lanyado’s method is not known to have been used in an attack, but it may be only a matter of time given its similarity to hacks like typosquatting, dependency confusion, and masquerading.

We’re thinking: Improved AI-driven coding tools should help to address this issue. Meanwhile, the difference between a command like pip install huggingface-cli and pip install -U "huggingface_hub[cli]" is subtle. In cases like this, package providers can look out for potential doppelgangers and warn users from being misled.


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