Feb 24, 2021

7 Posts

Process of diagnosing a medical patient slide
Feb 24, 2021

The Batch: Face Datasets Under Fire, Baking With AI, Human Disabilities Baffle Algorithms, Ginormous Transformers

AI-enabled automation is often portrayed as a binary on-or-off: A process is either automated or not. But in practice, automation is a spectrum, and AI teams have to choose where on this spectrum to operate. It’s important to...
Dozens of different faces shown in a series of images
Feb 24, 2021

Cutting Corners to Recognize Faces: Research finds flaws in face recognition datasets.

Datasets for training face recognition models have ballooned in size — while slipping in quality and respect for privacy. In a survey of 130 datasets compiled over the last four decades, researchers traced how the need for increasing quantities of data led researchers to relax their standards.
Person in wheelchair, person in side profile, person wearing a hoodie
Feb 24, 2021

Human Disabilities Baffle Algorithms: Facebook blocked ads aimed at people with disabilities.

Facebook’s content moderation algorithms block many advertisements aimed at disabled people. The social media platform’s automated systems regularly reject ads for clothing designed for people with physical disabilities.
Model predicting ingredients in a recipe and woman cooking
Feb 24, 2021

Cake + Cookie = Cakie: Google AI creates new dessert recipes.

AI may help revolutionize the human diet – or dessert, at least. Google applied AI engineer Dale Markowitz and developer advocate Sara Robinson trained a model to predict whether a recipe is...
System Oscar+ working
Feb 24, 2021

Sharper Eyes For Vision+Language: AI research shows improved image and text matching.

Models that interpret the interplay of words and images tend to be trained on richer bodies of text than images. Recent research worked toward giving such models a more balanced knowledge of the two domains.
Process of diagnosing a medical patient slide
Feb 24, 2021

Choose the Right Point On the Automation Spectrum

AI-enabled automation is often portrayed as a binary on-or-off: A process is either automated or not. But in practice, automation is a spectrum, and AI teams have to choose where on this spectrum to operate.
Different graphs showing switch transformer data
Feb 24, 2021

Bigger, Faster Transformers: Increasing parameters without slowing down transformers

Performance in language tasks rises with the size of the model — yet, as a model’s parameter count rises, so does the time it takes to render output. New work pumps up the number of parameters without slowing down the network.

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