Apr 27, 2022

6 Posts

Social media logos as a puzzle
Apr 27, 2022

How To Build Truly Free Social Networks

It's official: Elon Musk will buy Twitter, pending approval of the transaction by the company's stockholders and the U.S. government.
Social media logos as a puzzle
Apr 27, 2022

The Batch: Recognizing Distracted Drivers, Training Fighter Pilots, Dominating the Bridge Table, Training Trillions of Parameters

It's official: Elon Musk will buy Twitter, pending approval of the transaction by the company's stockholders and the U.S. government. While some people are celebrating the deal in the name of free speech, others are worried about the platform’s future.
Series of pictures of drivers
Apr 27, 2022

The View Through the Windshield: New Zealand Uses Computer Vision to Spot Distracted Drivers

Overhead cameras equipped with computer vision are spotting distracted drivers on the road. A system from Melbourne-based Acusensus alerts police when drivers are engaged in risky activities such as using a cell phone, not wearing a seatbelt, or speeding.
Deck of playing cards
Apr 27, 2022

Bridge to Explainable AI: AI System Outplays Human Bridge Champions

DeepMind’s AlphaGo famously dominated Go, a game in which players can see the state of play at all times. A new AI system demonstrated similar mastery of bridge, in which crucial information remains hidden.
GLaM model architecture
Apr 27, 2022

Efficiency Experts: Mixture of Experts Makes Language Models More Efficient

The emerging generation of trillion-parameter language models take significant computation to train. Activating only a portion of the network at a time can cut the requirement dramatically and still achieve exceptional results.
Aircrafts flying
Apr 27, 2022

Training Mission: AI Helps Train Air Force Fighter Pilots

An experimental AI system is helping train the next generation of fighter pilots. The U.S. Air Force is using deep learning to evaluate the progress of around 50 pilots in one of its training squadrons, Popular Science reported.

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